I have been playing with some different image generators this week. I have had the opportunity to transform some of my engagement photos into a comic book, inserted my face onto a breakfast cereal box, put some of my students heads on animal bodies, and finally I fiddled around on fototrix.com. Here is a picture of my ferocious house cat, Vash "The Stampede," using a tool named "embosser with ripples."
I have also been hard at play with Librarything.com. The site connects you to a multitude of great literature blogs, blogs about reading in general as well as blogs about specific books. I have been sharing my reactions to my favorite books and adding more and more books to my library. Every book I searched for was in the database and I was unable to find a single book of mine that wasn't already listed. I also enjoyed the recommendations made for further reading based on my choices. Since I chose a lot of my favorite authors I found a host of books I had already had read as well as other books that sparked my interest.
Rollyo allows you to customize your own search engine so that it references only the sites that you see fit. I imagine that if used properly this could drastically cut down the amount of irrelevant information you have to sift through each time you enter a search into one of the larger search engines. I find that the responses I get to inquiries are more related to the aspect I am particularly interested in. I have always felt ill at ease when I type in a search in google and get "1-10 of 234,659 matches for library science." I think Rollyo will help eliminate some of the information overload that has become common with mainstream search systems.